Saturday, January 3, 2009

Chrsitmas 2008

The year just came by so fast I did not have time to plan and do things. I just went with the flow and suddenly its now 2009. Two more years and the decade is over. I will also be reaching another milestone in my life. But that story is for another day.
For the year just past, I finished three semesters of a three-year masters program at WSU sponsored by my employer. One down, two to go. I'm also quite a bit poorer but hopefully my two girls will complete their college degrees sometime late next year. Quite a few people i've known a few years back whom i've reconnected recently over the web are commenting that my hair has turned silvery now. I say its just signs of maturity :)
May the new year bring prosperity in spite of the grunting world economy. Was it in Chinese where the character for opportunity and crisis are the same? Same coin two sides - may you get to choose the best.


  1. With full black hair, men are perceived to be energetic. With full gray, men tend to look very respectable. With yours being black with some hint of gray makes you "respectably energetic" or "energetically respectable" (?!?!). Either way, I am your biggest fan.

    Ms. Kalidadis

  2. the holidays were inspiring, eh? Keep it up Kalandrakas!

  3. maybe si happyslip naka-inspire? hehehe...

  4. Naa pod gamay. Thanks for sending happy slip our way - makes for an amusing day.
